




Excuse me, Can I get a new Logitech wireless mouse?
Hi, I’m looking for plastic container. Do you have any?
Hi Sir, Can you do me a favor? I need some clothes.
Hi Sir, how much is it for a kilo of potatoes?

Asking for price

How much is it?
How much is that?
How much does this cost? 
How much did it cost?
Could you please tell me how much this costs?
How much did you pay for…?
How much should I pay for…?
How much is the fee? 


What can I do for you?
Can you tell me what you are looking for?
Hi, how can I help you?
Welcome to my store, what do you need?


Can you give me the cheaper price?
Ah, can you just give me for Rp10.000?
If you give me lower price, I’ll buy two pairs of shoes.
Could you give me a discount? 


I want to make a complaint
I have a complaint
I have a problem
I am sorry, but...
I am sorry, but...
There's something wrong with this

Sample I

Seller (S): Good Afternoon. What can I do for you? 
Buyer (B): Good Afternoon. I’m looking for a shoes 
S: Right here, Ma’am. You can have a look first 
B: Excuse me, Miss, do you have other colors for these shoes? 
S: Of course, Ma’am. What size do you need? 
B: 40 please 
S: Alright, please wait a minute, Ma’am 
A few minutes later ...
S: For this shoe, there are only three colors: Black, White, and Red. which one do you prefer, Ma'am? 
B: I want the black one. How much is that? 
S: It’s Rp 550.000,. Ma’am 
B: Could you give me a discount? 
S: I’m sorry, Ma’am. We don’t have any discount for this product. 
B: Oh it’s okay. I’ll take it anyway 
S: Okay, Ma’am. Please make payment at the cashier. 
B: Okay 

Sample II

B (Buyer): Excuse me. Do you sell chili, Ma’am? 
S (Seller): Yes, Of course. How much do you want? 
B: How much is the price per kilogram, Ma’am? 
S: The price for 1 kilo is Rp 90.000,. 
B: Ok, I take it, but can you give me a lower price because I will take two kilos. How about Rp 180.000,. For two kilos?
S: Please increase it a little bit, I will give you Rp 187.000,. For two kilos. What do you think? 
B: How about Rp 185.000,. For two kilos, Ma’am.
S: Well then. Okay you can get it. Do you need anything else? 
B: No, I think that’s all what I need. Here is the money, Ma’am, Thank you! 
S: Thank you 

Other Vocabulary

Customer: pelanggan
Cashier or Clerk: penjaga kasir
Attendant or Assistant: petugas toko
Manager: manajer toko
Aisle: lorong
Basket: keranjang belanjaan
Counter: kasir
Fitting room: ruang ganti
Shelf: rak
Shop window: jendela toko
Stockroom: gudang persediaan
Trolley: kereta dorong belanjaan
Cheques: cek
Cash: tunai
Notes: wesel
Coins: koin
Card machine: mesin pembayaran dengan kartu debit/kredit
Credit cards or debit cards: kartu kredit atau kartu debit
Loyalty card: kartu pelanggan
Change: kembalian
Checkout: kasir
Complaint: keluhan
In stock: ada persediaan
Out of stock: habis atau tidak ada persediaan
Plastic bag or Carrier bag: kantong plastik
Queue: antrian
Receipt: bon
Refund: pengembalian uang
Cashback: uang kembali
Till: mesin kasir
Antique shop: toko barang-barang antik
Appliance store: toko peralatan
Convenience store / General store / Newsagents / Department store / Shop / Store: toko serba ada
Chemist or Pharmacy: apotek
Toy shop or Toy store: toko mainan
Bookstore: toko buku
Brasserie: toko pakaian dalam
Ladies clothing shop or Boutique: toko pakaian perempuan atau butik
Men’s clothing shop or Tailor: Toko pakaian laki-laki
Shoe shop or Cobbler’s: toko sepatu
Jeweller’s or Jewellery store: toko perhiasan
Opticians or Optometrists: Toko kacamata
Camera store: toko kamera
Candy shop: toko permen
Car dealership: tempat penjualan mobil
Showroom: tempat menunjukkan barang
Chain store: toko cabang
Second hand store or Consignment shop: toko barang bekas
Dollar store: toko dengan barang-barang seharga satu dollar
Electronics store: toko elektronik
Fabric store: toko kain
Factory outlet: toko dengan barang langsung dari pabrik
Farmer’s market: pasar petani
Furniture store: toko mebel
Game store: toko permainan
Hardware store: toko perangkat keras
Ice cream shop: toko es krim
Kiosk store: kios
Record shop or Music store: toko musik
Pawnshop: pegadaian
Pet store or pet shop: toko kebutuhan hewan peliharaan
Retailer: toko eceran
Thrift store: toko barang loak
Ironmonger’s or Ironmongery: toko besi
Haberdasher’s or Haberdashery: toko barang kelontong
Mall: Mal
Market: Pasar
Florist or Botanist: toko bunga atau tanaman
Butcher’s: toko daging
Fishmonger’s or Seafood store: toko ikan
Greengrocers or Grocery store: toko grosir
Baker’s or Bakery: toko roti
Delicatessen: toko makanan
Affordable: terjangkau
Barcode: kode yang ada di label barang yang dijual
Bargaining: tawar-menawar
Best before: baik sebelum
Brand: merek
Buy: beli
Cheap: murah
Clearance sale: penjualan untuk menghabiskan persediaan
Closed: tutup
Delivery: pengantaran
Discount: diskon
Expensive: mahal
Faulty: barang rusak
Label: label
Open: buka
Packaging: pengemasan
Package: paket
Price: harga
Price tag: label harga
Purchase: pembelian
Quality: kualitas
Sale: penjualan
Scales: timbangan
Self-service: melayani sendiri
Size: ukuran
Stock: persediaan
Use by: gunakan sebelum
Window shopping: melihat-lihat pertokoan tanpa membeli
Cardboard: kardus
Cash Desk: meja Kasir
Shop: berbelanja
Owe: berhutang
Buy Up: memborong
Offer: menawarkan
Retail: mengecer
Count: menghitung
Sell: menjual

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